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Colm Tóibín talks about Red Sky in Morning

In the print edition of the The Guardian (Saturday 10 August), Colm Tóibín talks about what he’s reading. And guess what? He’s reading RED SKY IN MORNING. This is what he has to say:

“Paul Lynch’s Red Sky in Morning is set in 19th-century Ireland. It is an adventure story, with a good plot, but it is written in tones that are sumptuous and poetic, so I am savouring the book sentence by sentence. Lynch’s sense of the period, and the huge disruptions in society which affected every single character, is clever and well informed, but he has taken a real and fascinating risk with the style”.

In the same week, the Canadian author Peter Behrens, author of THE LAW OF DREAMS and THE O’BRIENS, has this to say about RED SKY IN MORNING:

“A textured thriller straight from the torment of Ireland’s 19th century. Paul Lynch delivers a raw ancient world that Dickens would have recognized, and Roberto Bolaño too.”

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